Top Sustainable Packaging Companies Leading the Way in 2024

Plastic food packaging is choking our planet. Each year, millions of tons end up in landfills and pollute our oceans. But a revolution is underway – innovative companies are pioneering sustainable packaging solutions that protect both our environment and the food we eat.

Selecting Your Sustainable Packaging Partner

Choosing the right sustainable packaging company is vital for businesses seeking to reduce their environmental footprint. Prioritize partners who demonstrate excellence in these key areas:

  • Materials: Look for companies that champion renewable resources (plant-based fibers, agricultural byproducts), compostable options, and materials with high recycled content. Verify that they steer clear of harmful chemicals and additives in their production processes.

  • Life Cycle Analysis (LCA): Partner with companies that consider the entire environmental impact of their packaging, from raw material sourcing to how it's disposed of at the end of its life. LCA thinking allows them to design for maximum sustainability at every stage.

  • Certifications: Reputable certifications like "FSC Certified" (for responsibly sourced wood products) or "Compostable" are your assurance that the company adheres to strict environmental standards. Seek partners who transparently display these certifications.

  • Innovation and Continuous Improvement: The best sustainable packaging companies are never satisfied with the status quo. They invest heavily in research and development, always looking for ways to improve the eco-friendliness and performance of their materials and designs.

When evaluating potential partners, don't just wait for them to present this information. Proactively inquire about their specific practices and commitment to these criteria. This demonstrates your company's genuine dedication to sustainability.

Top 5 Sustainable Packaging Companies to Watch in 2024

  1. Noissue

Noissue is a global company dedicated to providing accessible, eco-friendly packaging solutions for businesses of all sizes. Their customizable compostable and recycled products help companies reduce their environmental impact while promoting their brand values.

Key Sustainability Innovations:

  • Compostable Mailers: Made from plant-based materials, these mailers break down safely in home composting setups, minimizing waste sent to landfills.

  • Recycled Tissue Paper: Noissue's tissue paper and packing materials are made from 100% recycled content, promoting a circular approach to resource use.

  • Sustainable Branding: Customizable with eco-friendly inks and designs, Noissue's packaging solutions allow businesses to showcase their commitment to sustainability.

Noissue's products empower food businesses and other e-commerce companies to make a positive environmental difference. Their compostable and recycled materials replace traditional plastics and non-recyclable packaging, reducing waste that pollutes ecosystems.

While Noissue's solutions offer clear environmental benefits, businesses may need to consider factors like potential cost differences compared to conventional packaging. However, their emphasis on accessibility and ongoing innovation continue to make sustainable options more viable for companies of all sizes.

2. EcoEnclose

EcoEnclose is committed to providing eco-friendly shipping and packaging solutions for e-commerce businesses. They offer a wide range of recycled, recyclable, and compostable options to help companies significantly reduce their environmental footprint.

Key Sustainability Innovations:

  • High Recycled Content: EcoEnclose prioritizes post-consumer recycled materials in products like their 100% recycled tissue paper, mailers, and boxes, supporting a circular economy.

  • Focus on End-of-Life: Their packaging is designed to be easily recyclable or compostable, minimizing waste sent to landfills.

  • Sustainability Framework: EcoEnclose takes a holistic approach, evaluating their materials based on recycled content, recyclability, and overall environmental impact.

EcoEnclose empowers food businesses to reduce packaging waste and associated greenhouse gas emissions. Their recycled and compostable options provide a sustainable alternative to traditional plastics and non-recyclable materials.

While some eco-friendly options may have a slightly higher cost, EcoEnclose actively works to make sustainable packaging accessible. They're committed to innovation, seeking out and promoting cutting-edge materials and technologies.

3. Elevate Packaging

Elevate Packaging is at the forefront of compostable packaging innovation. They offer a wide array of compostable bags, pouches, and labels, serving diverse industries, including natural foods, coffee, and e-commerce.

Key Sustainability Innovations:

  • Fully Compostable: Their products are designed to break down in both industrial and home composting environments, offering flexibility and minimizing landfill contributions.

  • Renewable Materials: Elevate Packaging champions tree-free alternatives like hemp and other fast-growing fibers, promoting responsible resource use.

  • Closing the Loop: Their Compost Stewardship partnership demonstrates a commitment to the circular economy, ensuring that their packaging is handled responsibly at its end of life.

Elevate Packaging empowers food companies to replace plastic packaging with compostable alternatives, reducing waste and minimizing their environmental footprint. Their focus on natural food applications makes them particularly well-suited for this sector.

Matching the performance of traditional plastics with compostable materials remains a challenge, but Elevate Packaging actively invests in R&D to overcome this. The growing demand for sustainable solutions presents significant opportunities for their innovative products.

4. RePack

RePack offers an innovative "packaging as a service" model for e-commerce businesses. Their durable, reusable containers, paired with a deposit-based return system, help companies eliminate single-use packaging waste.

Key Sustainability Innovations:

  • Reusable System: Customers receive orders in RePack containers, then return them for cleaning and reuse, minimizing waste.

  • Customer Incentives: Their loyalty program rewards returns, encouraging participation and making this convenient for consumers.

  • Circularity by Design: RePack's packaging is built for durability and easy sanitation, ensuring a long lifespan within their closed-loop system.

RePack's model is ideal for food delivery services or companies shipping non-perishable food items. It significantly reduces waste associated with single-use packaging, promoting a circular economy.

Scaling their system and ensuring widespread adoption are potential hurdles, but the rising demand for sustainable solutions presents a significant opportunity for RePack's innovative model.

5. Kanbol: Leading the Way in Sustainable Food Packaging

Kanbol stands apart as a pioneer in sustainable food packaging solutions, with a deep commitment to developing eco-friendly alternatives to traditional materials. Their emphasis on corn-based and plant-based packaging underscores their innovative approach to addressing the industry's environmental challenges.

Key Areas Where Kanbol Excels:

  • Focus on Plant-Based Materials: Kanbol champions renewable resources like corn stover, transforming agricultural byproducts into valuable packaging and reducing reliance on fossil-fuel-based plastics.

  • Innovative Technology: Their patent-pending FlowForm™ technology demonstrates their investment in R&D, ensuring their molded fiber solutions are durable, functional, and fully compostable.

  • Product Range: From produce trays to meat platters and custom solutions, Kanbol offers a variety of options to cater to the diverse needs of the food industry.

  • Commitment to Compostability: Their products promote a circular economy – they're designed to be easily composted, minimizing waste and contributing to healthier soils.

  • Customization: Kanbol collaborates with food companies to create tailored packaging, ensuring optimal product protection while aligning with specific needs and brand values.

Why Kanbol is the Ideal Partner for Sustainable Food Packaging

  • Food Industry Expertise: Their specialized focus on meat, produce, and other food products ensures their packaging meets the rigorous demands of food safety and freshness.

  • Environmentally-Conscious Solutions: Kanbol's plant-based, fully compostable materials offer food companies a tangible way to reduce their environmental footprint and resonate with eco-conscious consumers.

  • Innovative and Functional: FlowForm™ technology sets them apart – it's the key to sustainable packaging that performs exceptionally well in real-world applications.

  • Collaboration and Support: Kanbol prioritizes partnership. Their customized approach and willingness to work closely with clients ensure seamless transitions and the achievement of sustainability goals.

Embrace the future of sustainable food packaging with Kanbol. Contact us today to discover how our innovative and tailored solutions can transform your packaging and support your commitment to environmental responsibility.

Embracing Sustainable Packaging for a Better Future

The urgency for food companies to adopt sustainable packaging practices is undeniable. The environmental consequences of traditional packaging demand action. Fortunately, innovative companies and cutting-edge solutions are paving the way for a more responsible approach.

By prioritizing sustainable materials, lifecycle thinking, and consumer education, food companies can reduce their environmental footprint while enhancing their brand reputation. A successful transition requires careful consideration of functionality, cost implications, and supply chain adjustments.

Partnering with leading sustainable packaging providers like Kanbol, with their tailored solutions and deep industry expertise, streamlines this process. Kanbol's customized approach ensures that your sustainable packaging aligns perfectly with your product needs and your commitment to environmental responsibility.

The future of the food industry depends on sustainable practices. Let Kanbol be your guide on the journey towards a greener tomorrow. Contact Kanbol today to explore the possibilities and start making a positive impact.

Miles Leach

Miles Leach is the CEO of Kanbol, a company that's shaking up the molded fiber product industry by prioritizing climate-friendly practices at an industrial scale.

With a background in industrial entrepreneurship, Miles focuses on education, sustainable packaging, and logistics to make a tangible impact.

Under his direction, Kanbol is setting new standards in how paper products are produced, leading the charge towards a more sustainable manufacturing paradigm.

Plant vs. Plastic: The Earth Day Manifesto for a Sustainable Future


Sustainable Produce Packaging